How Low Can Platelets Go Before Death
Platelets – Complete Blood Count Platelets are cell fragments formed in the bone marrow that circulate throughout the bloodstream. Platelets are a critical part of the body’s ability to help blood clot. When blood vessels break, platelets form plugs that prevent further blood loss while healing takes place.

Platelets live for approximately nine to 12 days in the bloodstream. A normal platelet count ranges between 150,000 and 3 50,000. Thrombocytopenia occurs when the platelet count drops below 50,000. A thrombocytopenic patient is at high risk for bleeding if he or she has an injury or a complicating condition that affects blood coagulation, such as hemophilia or liver disease.

When the platelet count drops below 20,000, the patient may have spontaneous bleeding that may result in death. Thrombocytopenia occurs due to platelet destruction or impaired platelet production. In thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and disseminated intravascular coagulation, platelets are used up rapidly, and the platelet count falls significantly.

Immune-related thrombocytopenic purpura, a condition that may occur early in HIV disease, may result in platelet destruction. In this situation, the HIV patient develops antibodies that attach to platelets as though they were an invading organism. When the damaged platelets circulate through the spleen, the attached antibody destroys them.

When the bone marrow is suppressed due to radiation, chemotherapy, or other drugs that damage the bone marrow, production of new platelets is impaired. Malignancies of the bone marrow, such as leukemia, often cause the bone marrow to produce so many white blood cells that platelet production drops.

Easy bruising Unusual or heavy nosebleeds Hematuria Black, tar-like stools or frank bleeding with bowel movements Hematemesis Syncope or visual disturbances due to intracranial bleeding Gingival bleeding Heavy vaginal bleeding

Treatment for thrombocytopenia involves treating the disease condition that is affecting platelet production or causing platelet destruction. Patients with thrombocytopenia may also receive platelet transfusions when the platelet count is dangerously low. Thrombocytosis, an increased platelet counts, is most often caused by a reaction to injury or inflammation. © : Platelets – Complete Blood Count

What is the danger zone for low platelets?

What Should I Do for a low Platelet Count? – For a low platelet count below 50,000, you must take precautions. Follow the guidelines below to help prevent or stop bleeding.

Do not take any medicine, including over-the-counter drugs, without your doctor’s approval. It is very important to avoid aspirin and other drugs that contain aspirin. If you are not sure about a medicine, ask your doctor. Use a soft-bristle tooth brush. Do not use dental floss. Do not have dental work without your doctor’s approval. If you must have dental work, tell your dentist that you have a low platelet count. Do not do heavy lifting, contact sports, or strenuous exercise. Do not walk in bare feet. If you feel weak and unsteady, have someone help you when walking. Avoid cutting your nails. Use an emery board to care for your nails. When shaving, do not use a razor blade. Use an electric razor instead. Be careful when using household tools, such as knives and scissors. If you get a cut, place a clean cloth or a piece of gauze over the cut, then apply pressure for a few minutes. If your cut continues to bleed, lie down and stay calm. Keep applying pressure. If possible, use an ice pack to apply pressure. Get emergency care for any of the following: Do not bend over with your head lower than your shoulders. Bend from the knees, and keep your head up. Do not blow your nose forcefully. If you get a nose bleed, sit upright. Tilt forward to allow the blood to drip out. Then apply firm pressure to your nostrils, below the bridge of your nose. Get emergency care for any of the following: Do not wear tight clothing. Do not use alcohol. Prevent constipation. Drink plenty of fluids, and get enough fiber in your meals. Do not strain to move your bowels. Tell your doctor if you are constipated. He or she may prescribe a stool softener. Do not use rectal suppositories, enemas, or vaginal douches. If you are a woman having your period, do not use tampons. Use pads instead. If you have menstrual flow that is heavier or lasts longer than usual, tell your doctor or nurse. Keep the phone numbers of your doctor and the local EMS (emergency medical service) at hand.

What happens when platelets drop to 30?

Symptoms of thrombocytopenia – Most people with a low platelet count don’t have any symptoms. This is because your body has a built-in reserve with many more platelets than you need for day-to-day life. If your platelet count falls to very low levels, you might notice some symptoms and signs. A general guide to what you might experience at different platelet counts is:

slightly low platelet count (above 50): you will probably have no symptoms at all low platelet count (30 to 50): you might bruise more easily than usual and bleed for longer than you’d expect if you cut yourself very low platelet count (10 to 30): you might bleed after very minor injuries that wouldn’t normally bleed, bleed for longer than usual, and bruise very easily extremely low platelet count (below 10): you are at risk of bleeding even without an obvious cause.

If you have a low platelet count that causes bleeding, you might also develop anaemia, Contact your medical team if you develop any of the following symptoms:

nosebleeds bleeding gums after brushing your teeth heavier or longer periods than is usual for you bleeding for longer than you’d expect after a cut or scratch bruising more easily than usual red or purple patches or spots called ‘purpura’ or ‘petechiae’ on your skin (often on your legs), your lips or in your mouth blood in your sick (vomit) blood in your wee blood in your poo (this might be obvious, bright red blood or it can make your poo black and sticky) painful joints persistent headache, blurred vision or a change in your level of consciousness.

If you start bleeding, get in touch with your hospital straight away. Figure: Purpura (red or purple patches) on the legs. Image courtesy of Figure: Petechiae (tiny red or purple spots) on the inside of the mouth Back to top

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Can low platelets cause sudden death?

– If left untreated, a low platelet count can be very serious because it can cause internal bleeding of the brain or the intestines. In the worst cases, this may even cause death. That is why it is essential to seek medical care if you think you might be at risk.

What is the lowest platelet count you can have?

What causes a low platelet count? – Many factors can lead to a low platelet count – a condition known as thrombocytopenia, A normal platelet count ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 per microliter of blood. A count lower than 150,000 is considered thrombocytopenia.

Is 80 a low platelet count?

Platelets are also called thrombocytes, because a blood clot is also called a thrombus. A normal platelet count in adults ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. A platelet count of less than 150,000 platelets per microliter is lower than normal.

Can you live with very low platelets?

Complications – Dangerous internal bleeding can occur when your platelet count falls below 10,000 platelets per microliter. Though rare, severe thrombocytopenia can cause bleeding into the brain, which can be fatal.

What will happen if your platelet is 50?

What Abnormal Results Mean – LOW PLATELET COUNT A low platelet count is below 150,000 (150 × 10 9 /L). If your platelet count is below 50,000 (50 × 10 9 /L), your risk for bleeding is higher. Even every day activities can cause bleeding. A lower-than-normal platelet count is called thrombocytopenia, Low platelet count can be divided into 3 main causes:

Not enough platelets are being made in the bone marrowPlatelets are being destroyed in the bloodstreamPlatelets are being destroyed in the spleen or liver

Three of the more common causes of this problem are:

Cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation Drugs and medicines Autoimmune disorders, in which the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy body tissue, such as platelets

If your platelets are low, talk to your health care provider about how to prevent bleeding and what to do if you are bleeding. HIGH PLATELET COUNT A high platelet count is 400,000 (400 × 10 9 /L) or above. A higher-than-normal number of platelets is called thrombocytosis. It means your body is making too many platelets. Causes may include:

Iron deficiencyAfter certain infections, major surgery or traumaCancerCertain medicinesBone marrow disease called myeloproliferative neoplasm (which includes polycythemia vera )Spleen removal

Some people with high platelet counts may be at risk for forming blood clots or even bleeding too much. Blood clots can lead to serious medical problems.

What is the alarming level of platelets?

What is a healthy platelet count? – A normal platelet count ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. Having more than 450,000 platelets is a condition called thrombocytosis; having less than 150,000 is known as thrombocytopenia. You get your platelet number from a routine blood test called a complete blood count (CBC).

Can low platelets come and go?

Key points about immune thrombocytopenic purpura –

ITP is a blood disorder. With this disease, you have a lower amount of platelets than normal in your blood. A decrease in platelets can result in easy bruising, bleeding gums, and internal bleeding. ITP may happen suddenly and go away in about 6 months. Or it may be ongoing (chronic) and last for years. Treatment options include medicines that can reduce platelet destruction or help the body make more platelets. In some cases, surgery to remove the spleen is needed.

Do you have to be hospitalized for low platelets?

Management of ITP – The goal of every treatment strategy for ITP is to end up with a platelet count that allows for minimal bleeding symptoms, rather than a “normal” platelet count. Patients with mild symptoms can be managed with observation alone, regardless of the platelet count.

Patients with heavier bleeding could discuss treatment options such as: Steroids: Steroids help to keep platelets from being destroyed. They may be given by a pill, liquid or through an IV ( i ntra v enous tube). These steroids are not the same drugs that body builders take illegally. Intravenous Immunoglobulin: This is a collection of antibodies taken from blood product.

It can help keep platelets from being destroyed. Immune globulin is given by IV over 3 to 8 hours. More than one dose may be needed to improve the platelet count. For more information, read Helping Hand HH-II-17, IV Therapy, Most patients can be managed with outpatient treatment.

Can low platelets cause a stroke?

Discussion – This study demonstrated the relationship between platelet count and ischemic stroke prognosis at discharge/early neurological deterioration. The Q3 group (range: 205–242 × 10 9 /L, mean ± SD: 223 ± 11 × 10 9 /L) exhibited a low rate of early neurological deterioration and good prognosis compared with the Q1 and Q4 groups.

  • Our study is consistent with previous studies.
  • One cohort study reported that platelet counts at the upper end of the normal range (301–450 × 10 9 /L) were associated with the development of cardiovascular disease, and the risk of ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, and peripheral vascular disease were found to increase with platelet counts over 251 × 10 9 /L.

A cohort study of 1506 men reported an association between the risk of ischemic stroke and platelet counts in the upper normal range, The relationship between platelet count and prognosis is gradually becoming one of the focal points of clinical research,

  1. An analysis based on 3229 subjects from the Chinese Acute Ischemic Stroke Antihypertensive Study suggested that platelet count, especially the decrease due to platelet consumption, is an important non-negligible indicator in the prognosis of ischemic stroke,
  2. It is well known that platelet activation is central to the process of arterial thrombus formation at the site of vascular injury,

Hence, antiplatelet therapy in arterial thromboembolism has received much attention, as antiplatelet agents prevent cerebrovascular disorders and cardiovascular events, In addition, cardiovascular mortality increases in individuals with high platelet counts, especially in men and the elderly,

As reflected in these findings, our study also showed high platelet count group often occur neurological deterioration and appeared poor prognosis, even in no differences in stroke severity at onset between the groups based on the NIHSS score. We found that early neurological deterioration in the low-platelet group (Q1) was significantly higher than the normal group, without stroke severity at onset.

On the other hand, D’Erasmo et al. indicated the difference in platelet counts between the acute and recovery phases of stroke was not significant, Several study suggests decreased platelet count is considered to be one of the risk factors for cerebral infarction,

  • Therefore, it is speculated that patients with low platelet counts often present with more obvious residual dysfunction, often with early neurologic exacerbations.
  • In a previous basic study using stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats, a lower platelet count was a predictor of asymptomatic cerebral small vessel disease and symptomatic stroke,

Thus, both clinical reports and basic studies suggest that low and high platelet counts are associated with cerebral infarction. Recently, Vinholt and colleagues concluded that platelet counts are associated with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease,

  • In general, cerebral infarction is closely related to platelet function, and thrombosis is the result of activation of platelets and the coagulation system.
  • Thus, platelet count and function may have a significant impact on the occurrence and development of cerebral infarction,
  • Atherosclerosis is the pathologic basis of cerebral infarction, especially SVO, LAS, and BAD.
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As atherosclerosis progresses, endothelial cells in the vessel wall are damaged. As a result, the contact area with platelets increases, and thrombosis is more likely to be induced, Platelets have also been shown to influence the effect of homocysteine on the prognosis of ischemic stroke.

  • Increased homocysteine blood levels in patients with decreased platelet counts increase ischemic stroke mortality, but not in patients with normal to increased platelet counts,
  • Moreover, normal platelets play an important role in cell proliferation, chemotaxis, cell differentiation, and angiogenesis by releasing natural cytokines.

The basic cytokines identified in platelets include transforming growth factor-β, platelet-derived growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, and endothelial cell growth factor, Thus, it can be inferred that the factors that regulate the cellular environment produced by platelets affect the prognosis of cerebral infarction.

Can platelets be zero?

Thrombocytopenia means a decreased number of platelets ( thrombocytes ). Platelets are necessary to help the blood to clot. Anytime a blood vessel is damaged and leaks blood, the odd-shaped and sticky platelets clump together to plug the leak and prevent ongoing blood loss.

  1. Without enough platelets, we would quickly bleed to death.
  2. Thrombocytopenia can occur in people with HIV for many reasons.
  3. First, HIV can infect the bone marrow cells that create platelets, which means that HIV itself can cause this condition.
  4. Second, some drugs used to treat HIV and opportunistic infections can damage bone marrow, resulting in fewer platelets.

Third, our own antibodies sometimes target healthy platelets and results in a condition called immune thrombocytopenic pupura, or ITP. (These antibodies are known as autoantibodies, as they are attacking the “self,” and signal the spleen to destroy and remove the platelets from the body.) A normal platelet count is between 150,000–400,000 platelets per cubic milliliter of blood.

  1. In mild cases of thrombocytopenia, the count is between 100,000–150,000.
  2. In severe cases, the count can be close to zero.
  3. If the platelet count falls below 30,000, the risk of uncontrolled bleeding is high and could be life-threatening.
  4. Platelets also carry serotonin and L-tryptophan, two substances involved in sleep/wake cycles, appetite, and mood regulation.

What are the symptoms and how is it diagnosed? Many people with thrombocytopenia, especially mild disease, do not have symptoms. More advanced forms can cause a number of bleeding problems. These include excessive and recurrent nosebleeds, bruise-like patches ( purpura ), and excessive bleeding from wounds ( hemorrhage ).

A blood test to count platelets is the best way to check for thrombocytopenia. Most people with HIV have their platelets checked regularly, as part of their Complete Blood Count (CBC) Test, usually when viral load and CD4 counts are done. In turn, most people are diagnosed before thrombocytopenia can cause serious problems.

How is it treated? The most effective treatment for thrombocytopenia in people with HIV is potent HIV meds. Because HIV regimens are effective in reducing the amount of virus in the blood, they can help prevent the virus from infecting bone marrow cells.

Prednisone: Prednisone is a steroid similar to cortisone, a hormone that your adrenal gland produces. It is used to calm down a hyperactive immune system and increase platelets. However, long-term use can suppress the immune system, which can be problematic for people with HIV. Gamma Globulin (IVIg): IVIg is sometimes given alone or together with prednisone to increase platelets. It is given by IV line over 4–6 hours and sometimes for 1–3 days at a time. Rh 0 Immune Globulin (WinRho): Also known as anti-D, WinRho is approved for people with Rh 0 -positive blood who have ITP. It contains antibodies specific to Rh 0 antigen located on red blood cells. These anti-D antibodies raise platelet counts by attaching or binding to the Rh 0 antigen on red blood cells. The antibody-coated red blood cells temporarily prevent the spleen from destroying your platelets. It is given by IV, once a month if needed. Splenectomy: Usually reserved as a last approach to treating ITP, this is a surgery to remove the spleen, which is responsible for removing the platelets attacked by autoantibodies.

Can it be prevented? Thrombocytopenia can happen to anyone, although severe thrombocytopenia is considered to be rare among people with HIV. With the widespread use of HIV treatment, it is likely that people with HIV taking these treatments are at a lower risk of developing thrombocytopenia.

Because most people with HIV—whether or not they are on HIV meds—have their blood tested regularly, it’s possible to treat thrombocytopenia before it can cause bleeding disorders. A re there any experimental treatments? If you would like to find out if you are eligible for any clinical trials that include new therapies for the treatment or prevention of thrombocytopenia, visit, a site run by the U.S.

National Institutes of Health. The site has information about all HIV-related clinical studies in the United States. For more info, you can call their toll-free number at 1-800-HIV-0440 (1-800-448-0440) or email [email protected]. Last Reviewed: October 23, 2018

Is a platelet count of 130 bad?

A normal platelet count range is 140 to 400 K/uL.

Do low platelets make you feel tired?

Fatigue has been documented in focus groups of patients with ITP; in these groups, over 90% of patients have described symptoms of fatigue. Many patients say that their symptoms of fatigue are worse when their platelet count is low.

Can stress cause low platelets?

Introduction – Coronary artery disease (CAD) and its thrombotic manifestations remain the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the industrialized nations. The importance of psychosocial factors as contributors to the incidence and progression of CAD has been the focus of a concerted research effort over the years.1–8 For example, the INTERHEART study, 9 a case–control examination of modifiable risk factors in 52 countries, found that a composite variable comprises exposure to depression, perceived life stress, low control, and major life events carried an adjusted 2.67-fold increased risk of acute myocardial infarction (AMI).

Indeed, the contribution of depression and anxiety to increased likelihood of recurrent coronary events after AMI and bypass surgeries, 2, 10–13 and transient depressed and anxious mood as trigger acute cardiac events and potentially fatal arrhythmias is well documented.14–16 The risk associated with depression in these populations, where its prevalence can be up to 10 times greater than in the healthy groups, 17, 18 is comparable to that of smoking, hypertension or diabetes, and independent of such traditional cardiovascular risk factors such as left ventricular ejection fraction, history of myocardial infarction or Killip class.19–22 On the basis of this literature, an American Heart Association science advisory has recommended screening for depression in CAD patients.23 Anxiety is also highly prevalent in cardiac populations, with estimates ranging from 28 to 44% in younger groups and from 14 to 24% in older groups.24, 25 Furthermore, anxiety is a frequently encountered co-morbidity of depression.26 Though the aetiologies, mechanisms, and sequelae of anxiety and depression share many commonalities, 27, 28 there are many distinctions as well.29 The impact of depression on cardiac events has been extensively investigated.19 The few studies that have evaluated the prognostic value and individual contribution of depression and/or anxiety towards CAD outcomes show that when evaluated concurrently, anxiety frequently carries the cardiac risk alone, 30–33 although this observation is not universal.34 Increased platelet reactivity is one of several mechanisms postulated in explaining the link between psychosocial factors and CAD.35–37 A recent review by Bruce and Musselman 38 found considerable evidence linking depression to increased platelet activation in both groups with extant CAD and those with only CAD risk factors.

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Others have found greater platelet responsiveness and prolonged platelet activation among individuals characterized by hostility and chronic psychological stress.39–41 Acute psychological stress can similarly affect platelet function, 42 particularly among those prone to anxiety.43 Platelets are activated by their interaction with various circulating agonists (including serotonin and catecholamines) via separate and specific receptors in the platelet membrane.

Serotonin (5HT) is considered an important element in psychopathology and psychopharmacology and specific 5HT2A receptors have been reported to play a role in platelet aggregation.44 A higher 5HT-mediated platelet reactivity has been described in depressed patients compared with healthy, non-depressed adults.45 Alternatively, catecholamines activate platelets via stimulation of platelets’ α-2 receptors.46, 47 As the two agonists act through different pathways, a synergistic effect between 5HT and epinephrine on platelets has been observed; 48 levels of autonomic activity and circulating catecholamines are elevated in patients with anxiety, 49 which could lead to the activation of platelets in these patients.

Given the link of depression and anxiety with increased risk of cardiovascular events, we investigated their associations with platelet reactivity in patients with stable CAD.

What cancers cause low platelets?

What can cause a low platelet count? – There are several common causes, including: Chemotherapy, Some types of cancer medications, such as chemotherapy, damage bone marrow. This is the tissue inside your bones where your body makes platelets. A low platelet count from chemotherapy is usually temporary.

It is rare that chemotherapy permanently damages bone marrow cells. Radiation therapy. Radiation therapy does not usually cause a low platelet count. But your platelet levels may go down if you receive a large amount of radiation therapy to your pelvis or if you have radiation therapy and chemotherapy at the same time.

Antibodies. Your body makes proteins called antibodies. They destroy substances that may harm you, such as bacteria and viruses. But sometimes the body makes antibodies that destroy healthy platelets. Specific types of cancer. Certain cancers such as leukemia or lymphoma can lower your platelet count.

  1. The abnormal cells in these cancers can crowd out healthy cells in the bone marrow, where platelets are made.
  2. Less common causes of a low platelet count include: Cancer that spreads to the bone.
  3. Some cancers that spreads to the bone may cause a low platelet count.
  4. The cancer cells in the bones can make it difficult for the bone marrow inside of bones to make platelets.

Cancer in the spleen. Your spleen is an organ in your body. It has several functions, including storing extra platelets. Cancer can make the spleen larger, so it may hold more platelets than usual. This means fewer platelets in your blood where they are needed.

What is normal platelet count by age?

– For years, the general range for adult platelets has been 150,000–450,000 platelets/mcL of blood. However, a 2014 review suggests platelet counts could change significantly based on a person’s age and sex. The values took data from more than 40,000 inhabitants across seven Italian regions.

How long does it take for platelets to increase?

Treatment is considered for patients who have:

A platelet count less than 30,000 An upcoming operation or procedure that requires them to have a higher platelet count Active bleeding with a known diagnosis of ITP

If treatment is necessary, the most common treatments include:

Corticosteroids (“steroids”) — Steroids prevent bleeding by decreasing the production of antibodies against platelets. If effective, the platelet count will rise within two to four weeks of starting steroids. Side effects include irritability, stomach irritation, weight gain, difficulty sleeping, mood changes and acne. Intravenous gamma globulin (“IVIg”) — IVIg slows the rate of platelet destruction temporarily. IVIg works quickly — within 24 to 48 hours — but its effect typically only lasts several days to a couple weeks.

If initial treatments are not effective, the following treatments can be tried:

Rituximab (“Rituxan”) — An antibody specifically directed against the type of immune system cells that can produce antibodies against platelets. This therapy may require up to four weekly infusions. The response to treatment is usually seen in four to six weeks after the first infusion, although it can take longer. Thrombopoietin mimetics (Eltrombopag/”Promacta” and Romiplostim/”Nplate”) — These medications increase the bone marrow production of platelets. The FDA recently approved them for use in patients who do not respond to steroids. They generally work well to increase the platelet count. Splenectomy — Splenectomy is the surgical removal of the spleen, the location where most of the antibody-bound platelets are removed from the bloodstream. This can be an effective and permanent solution for patients with ITP, but they will be at risk for developing certain infections in the future.

In addition, individuals with ITP may need to make lifestyle changes, including:

Limiting participation in contact sports, such as football, boxing and martial arts, and other sports that can increase the risk of head injury, including skiing, snowboarding and motorbike racing. Patients who have undergone splenectomy must have non-expired antibiotics at home in case they develop signs or symptoms of an infection, such as a fever and greenish mucus. Patients experiencing these symptoms must notify their doctor to receive instructions on whether or not to take antibiotics. Avoiding over-the-counter, herbal or prescription medications that can decrease the function of platelets. These include, but are not limited to, aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen and Coumadin.

How rare is low platelets?

How common is this condition? – People may have thrombocytopenia and not realize it because their symptoms are so mild. That’s why healthcare providers aren’t sure exactly how many people have this condition. They do know a related condition, immune thrombocytopenia, affects 3 to 4 in 100,000 children and adults.

What is the alarming level of platelets?

A high platelet count is 400,000 (400 × 10 9 /L) or above. A higher-than-normal number of platelets is called thrombocytosis. It means your body is making too many platelets.

What is the critical range for platelets?

What is a healthy platelet count? – A normal platelet count ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. Having more than 450,000 platelets is a condition called thrombocytosis; having less than 150,000 is known as thrombocytopenia. You get your platelet number from a routine blood test called a complete blood count (CBC).

Is a platelet count of 135 bad?

A normal platelet count range is 140 to 400 K/uL.