How To Make A Community Post On Youtube
To create a Community post:

  1. Sign in to YouTube.
  2. At the top of the page, select Create. Create post.
  3. In the box at the top: Type a message to create a text post or add text to an image, GIF, or video post. Choose to create a video., poll., or image. post.
  4. Select Post.

Why can’t I create a community post on YouTube?

Am I eligible for the Community tab? – For the Community tab to be available, you must enable access to advanced features on your channel. You can choose among three options to gain access: channel history, video verification, or a valid ID. Learn more here,

It can take up to 48 hours for the Community tab to become available after enabling access to Advanced features. Community post access can change based on your channel role. Learn more about channel permissions, If your channel’s audience is set as “Made for Kids,” your Community tab will only be visible to you and not your viewers.

You also can’t create new posts, but you can view past posts. Learn more about setting your audience, Note: This feature may not be available with supervised experiences on YouTube. Learn more here,

How many subscribers do you need to make community posts?

Can we get community tab without 1000 subscribers? – No, you need at least 1000 subscribers to your YouTube channel to be eligible for the Community tab. YouTube announced their Community tab feature in 2016 as a way for creators to engage with their fans in a more direct way.

Through the Community tab, creators are able to post longer-form messages and other content to their channel on a regular basis. With the community tab feature, creators are able to post things like polls, pictures, videos, text, and GIFs that viewers can interact with and comment on. To be eligible for the Community tab, you must have at least 1000 subscribers and be in the YouTube Partner Program.

Additionally, your channel must be in good standing in terms of YouTube’s community guidelines and be in compliance with YouTube’s Terms of Service. If all of these requirements are met, then you should be able to access the Community tab once it is enabled on your channel.

How long to get 1,000 subscribers on YouTube?

How long does it take to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube – Your first 1000 subscribers are a the hardest to get, the next 1000 will be (again) much easier and quicker because growth is exponential on YouTube. My DJ channel took me 9 months. My gaming channel took me 18 months.

How do you create a community?

How to Create Community: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

  1. 1 Figure out what people need. People join a community for a reason. They need something that’s provided by the social support and network found in a community. If you’re trying to create a community, think about what people need and how you can fulfill those needs.
    • Where are you trying to create a community? At work? At school? In your neighborhood?
    • What do people need in these places that is lacking? Think about a niche that’s missing a community could provide.
    • Maybe people at your work tend to keep to themselves due to long hours. People may need to feel more camaraderie with co-workers. You could create a community based around a particular social event. For example, maybe you could start a board game club to help people interact outside of work.
  2. 2 Look for shared connections. Emotional connections help bring people together. In a community, it’s important you share that connection with others. Think about what you share with the people around you. What common emotions or experiences do you have? Make these the focus as you work on forming a community.
    • Think about what you have shared with those around you. People are often brought together by an experience or feeling that is unique to them. Look to people you’re reaching out to and ask yourself, “What have we shared? What do we have in common?”
    • For example, maybe you’re trying to create a community in your dorm in college. All of your fellow students are likely away from home for the first time. You probably all experience feelings like loneliness, fear, and anxiety. Try to encourage people to share these feelings. This can foster a sense of community.


  3. 3 Choose the right leaders. Good leaders are vital to a community. As you gather members, or start forming a group or club, identify people who could potentially lead. Opt to place those who display the qualities of a good leader in power.
    • Leaders have to keep the group in check and let people know when they’re out of hand. Honesty, therefore, is important. You want someone who can tactfully address bad behaviors.
    • Commutation skills are also key. Look for a leader who is easy to talk to and conveys information well.
    • Leaders should be confidant. You want someone who is sure of themselves and unafraid to speak up.
    • You should also look for someone who is committed. Choose someone who can be counted on to reliably show up to meetings, day in and day out.
    • Inspires and motivates others.
    • Builds relationships.
    • Innovates and displays technical expertise.
  4. 4 Establish symbols. A symbol seems simple, but community members often bond over symbols that help them identify with the community. Look at how people who love a certain sports team take pride in the team’s logo and color. Try to think of some kind of symbol, color, or inside joke to help your community bond.
    • For example, if you’re doing a weekly trivia night at work, try having team colors everyone should wear.
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  1. 1 Have standards for membership. While standards sound exclusive, they’re actually a way to foster a sense of belonging. You want to gather people with similar goals, opinions, and perspectives. Think about the kind of members your community needs and how to establish rough standards.
    • What are the boundaries for your community? How to people become part of the community and how do you keep the community somewhat exclusive?
    • Boundaries are often related to a feeling of emotional safety. For example, if you’re creating a community for college students, you may want to make it only for college students. This way, people will not feel uncomfortable sharing their feelings about issues unique to being a student.
    • You should also have requirements for personal investment. If a community is going to thrive, people need to be dedicated. If you’re, say, starting a book club, have a rule that you can only miss a set number of meetings.
  2. 2 Gather like-minded people. Look for people with the same views and opinions. You can create a loose community by identifying people with similar wants, needs, and feelings and introducing them. Be on the lookout for people who could fit in to your community and try to bring them into it.
    • For example, say you’re trying to create a community of friends at work. If you know someone from accounting with the same sense of humor as someone from sales, ask them both to get a drink with you after work.
  3. 3 Organize events. Community members bond through shared experiences. Bring people together to celebrate, socialize, and interact. This can help foster a sense of community and help you find more members.
    • For example, if it’s someone in your dorm’s birthday, have everyone go out to celebrate that person’s birthday.
  4. 4 Push for meaningful conversations. Strong social connections between members is important to any community. When going out with others, encourage meaningful connections. Try to forego small talk and have people open up to one another.
    • Oftentimes, certain activities can encourage meaningful conversations. Say you’re a teacher trying to create a strong community for a creative writing class. Instead of a conventional ice breaking activity, have everyone share something slightly more personal like their first memory.
  5. Advertisement

  1. 1 Make decisions together. Every group will undergo changes. As you need to make decisions, have meetings where everyone has a say. Have some kind of system in place to make decisions together. For example, everyone can share their opinion and you can then vote.
    • For example, if you’re hosting a book club, let everyone share their ideas about what book to read next.
  2. 2 Weed out bad people. Unfortunately, communities can sometimes attract negative members. In order to keep a community strong, watch out for people who rub others the wrong way or who simply do not fit in with the dynamic. If someone is causing problems or drama, you can politely let that person know they’re no longer welcome in the community.
    • For example, if someone who attend your book club is regularly late and rude to other members, it’s okay to have that person stop coming.
    • Say something like, “I’m sorry, but people are not comfortable with you attending because it seems like you can’t prioritize this right now.”
  3. 3 Allow equal participation. Communities should be a space where everyone can share. In a community, it’s important to encourage everyone to participate equally. Make sure everyone has a say in decision making and that no one feels shut out.
    • For example, in a classroom setting do not call on the same students over and over again. Encourage the students who are normally shy to raise their hands and share.
  4. 4 Share your emotions. If you’re the one trying to create a community, people need to feel close to you. To help encourage feelings of closeness, be open about your own feelings and emotions. As you encourage people to share things about themselves, always be willing to share in return.
    • For example, if you ask someone how they’re feeling about a new stressor at work, be willing to share your own feeling as well. A new boss or change in company policy can be stressful, so be willing to share your own personal experiences with stress.
  5. 5 Be kind to your members. Make sure people in your community feel valued. Doing small, kind things for members will keep your community strong over time. It will also remind people of the benefits of being part of a community to begin with.
    • For example, if a community member is sick, stop by their place and help them with some chores. If someone is having a rough week, have everyone sign a card for that person.
  6. Advertisement

Ask a Question Advertisement This article was co-authored by, Manuela Pauer is an International Coach Federation accredited Career, Leadership, and Happiness Coach and Facilitator. With more than 14 years of experience, Manuela specializes in helping mid-career professionals connect with their purpose, passions, and strengths to create a career and life they love.

  1. Before deciding to help other professionals, she had a successful corporate career spannings strategy consulting at Bain & Company, Product Management at a Silicon Valley start-up, and Executive Director of Product Management and Strategic Planning at AOL.
  2. Manuela holds a BS in Business Administration from The University of California, Berkeley, and received her Certified Professional Co-Active Coach training from The Coaches Training Institute.

This article has been viewed 50,403 times.

  • Co-authors: 6
  • Updated: May 30, 2022
  • Views: 50,403


Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 50,403 times. : How to Create Community: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

Why do I have community tab without 500 subs?

How can this dormant channel of only 22 subscribers get access to the community tab when YouTube says you need 500 subscribers? Stay tuned if you currently have a channel without 500 subscribers so you can get access to the community tab and make a deeper connection with your viewers.

  • Click here to Get My New Video Course ” SECRETS TO AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT ” You’ll discover how to hook your viewers’ attention, get them to spend more time on each video, and motivate them to watch more videos from your channel, so YouTube will recommend your content to other channels.
  • I polled my subscribers by asking them, do you have access to the community tab If your channel is under 500 subscribers? 70% said yes.

SUP Chick only has 316 subscribers. Alhapra only has 330 subscribers. The lady in Espresso only has 342 subscribers Jito1 one only has 34 subscribers. What’s going on? Let’s take a look at the alternative requirements to get access to the community tab without 500 subscribers.

  • YouTube says, for the community tab to be available, you need 500 subscribers or enable access to advanced features on your channel.
  • Here’s a chart showing the features available for standard, intermediate and advanced options.
  • As you can see, under advanced options you get access to the community posts.

add a clickable external link to description. You can apply for monetization so long as you meet the eligibility requirements. Embed live streams and content Id appeal. With the intermediate option you can make longer videos, live stream on desktop and upload custom thumbnails.

For the standard option, like when you first get started on YouTube, you can upload videos with a limited daily limit if you have no verification and create playlists. Keep in mind, you need to enable advanced features to enable community posts. Let’s go to my small channel of 22 subscribers to enable advanced features, – Click on settings in YouTube studio.

– Click on channel. – Click on feature eligibility. As you can see, standard features have been enabled. I’ve got video uploads, playlist creation, add collaborators to playlists, add new videos to existing playlists, and my channel is free of active community guideline strikes.

Now, that’s done. Intermediate features have also been enabled, which means that I’ve verified my phone number so I can upload videos longer than 15 minutes, Upload custom thumbnails and do live streaming. So that’s done. Now it shows I’m eligible for advanced features, but it hasn’t been enabled, – So if I click, the dropdown says I’ll be able to create more live streams daily, upload more videos daily, create more shorts, daily.

Embed live streams, have external links in the video descriptions, appeal content ID claims, and eligible to apply for monetization. – Monetization has an asterisk next to it, which means that it needs additional requirements. As I mentioned previously, if you enable advanced features, you get access to the community tab.

I can do video verification, which means I simply look at your phone’s camera, follow the prompts, look up and down to get quick access to advanced features.

After two months of channel activity and following our community guidelines, you’ll establish channel history and we’ll automatically delete your video.

Valid ID. Take a photo of your valid id, like a passport or driver’s license to get quick access to advanced features

Channel history. Keep growing your channel and following our community guidelines to build your channel history. For most creators, this usually takes up to two months. If you used your ID or video verification to access advanced features we’ll delete it from your Google account.

Keep in mind your channel may have got automatic access to the community tab if you’ve accumulated enough channel history, even if it’s under 500 subscribers. If so, you’ll see a notification inside YouTube studio. So which one of these three options is the easiest? Click access features.

It says, choose how to access advanced features. This one time verification gets you the features to take your channel to the next level and helps us to keep the YouTube community safer for everyone. Video verification, approval time. usually up to one day. Use your valid idapproval time up to one day, Build channel history approval time usually takes up to two months.

I’m going to use the first option, use video verification because that seems to be the easiest. Approval time is only one day, and we’ll help you create a 30 second video of yourself looking into your phone’s camera. Alternatively, I could use my phone to take a photo of the government issued ID like a passport or driver’s license.

Click next. Get email to start verification on your phone. Google is sending the verification link to my email address. Open on your phone and start your verification using your phone’s camera. We sent you an email. Check your email for verification link. Tap on gmail. Use video verification to get advanced YouTube features. A one time video verification will give you access to advanced YouTube features. We’ll help you create a 30 second video of yourself looking into your phone’s camera. For a successful video, we recommend recording and in a well lit, (which I have) location with a wifi connection, which I have. Tap start verification. Use my Google account. Tap next. Gotta enter my password. Face id. Now I’ve gotta do two step verification. Open the YouTube app. Okay, it says, open the YouTube app on your phone and tap yes to verify it’s you. Open the YouTube app. Yes, it’s me. Agree to video verification. Tap the check mark. Allow Google to use your video to help develop and improve It’s face matching. Tap. I agree. Hold your phone at eye level in front of your face. Make sure nothing covers your eyes, nose, or mouth, such as sunglasses, fabric, or a hat. I guess I got to take my hat off. Tap. Next. Follow your dot with my eyes Uploading your video. Thanks for submitting your video verification.

Google now needs to review your video. Usually it takes up to 24 hours. Once your video verification is approved, you’ll immediately able to use advanced YouTube features. You can check the status of your request or delete your video in your Google account.

If you delete your video, you won’t be able to use advanced features. You need to build your YouTube channel history or try ID to video verification again to get access to its features. All I have to do now is wait 24 hours for Google to review my video. What if your video verification was denied? If your video verification was denied, you’ll receive this email” your video verification was unsuccessful.

You have one more opportunity to try again now to get advanced YouTube features.” Verification by phone So I could record a video again or take a photo of my id. This time I’m gonna take a photo of my id. So I’m gonna click get email to start verification on your phone.

Start verification. Confirm your date of birth, use your phones camera, take a photo of your id. Your ID must clearly show your date of birth. Tap next. Tap, allow. Tap, submit. It says your ID is in review. Thanks for submitting your id. Google now needs to review.

Your ID may take up to 24 hours. Once your ID is approved, you’ll immediately be able to use advanced YouTube features. All right, that’s what I want. You can check the status of your request or delete your ID in your Google account. When I go to this address and look under identity document, I see that my ID has been verified.

If you delete your id, you won’t be able to use Advanced YouTube features. You need to build a YouTube channel history or try ID or video verification again, to get access to these features. I’m gonna check back in 24 hours to see if I have access to the community tab for my small channel of 22 subscribers.

When I checked the feature eligibility status in YouTube Studio. It says that my ID verification is still under review. What’s going on? I checked back the next day and it says, advanced features have been enabled. When I checked with YouTube, they said it would take up to week to get the Community tab feature.

  • You’ll see the community tab added to the top of the YouTube channel homepage.
  • Team YouTube on Twitter says, ” we’ve been getting a lot of questions about how to know when you’ll get access to the community tab, over the next several weeks channels with access to advanced features will begin to have access to the community tab,

Here’s a link to the help article, Keep in mind, it can take up to a week to see the community tab after reaching 500 subscribers on your channel, or it can take 48 hours after you’ve gained access to the advanced features. If you want to know how to post a poll, image or video on your community tab, watch this video on the screen right now on how to make community posts on YouTube desktop or mobile.

Can anyone make community posts on YouTube?

If your account is eligible, you can make a Community post on YouTube and reach your viewers directly with media like GIFs, polls, and images. Only YouTube acccounts with at least 1,000 subscribers can create Community posts, and have access to the Community tab in general. If it’s available to you, here’s how to create a Community post on your YouTube channel, via the desktop or mobile versions of the site. Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

YouTube provides creators with a video-centric way to access their followers, but it’s also started giving some of those creators the ability to reach out in a more direct way through Community posts. Community posts allow users to interact with their viewers through media like polls, GIFs, text, images, and video in the Community tab on YouTube,

However, before you get started it’s important to know that only those with at least 1,000 subscribers have access to the Community tab and will be able to create Community posts on YouTube, though the company does say that it’s still testing the feature, so in the future others may also have access.

YouTube Community Tab & Posts – The COMPLETE Guide!

With that in mind, here’s how to create a Community post on YouTube, using either your computer or mobile device.

What should be the first community post on YouTube?

The first post on your Community tab is the perfect place to welcome your YouTube audience and let them know your intentions. YouTube suggests creating a creed as a way to build a strong community via this tab.

Will YouTube pay the first 4000 hours or 1k subscribers?

What If I Get 4000 Watch Hours But Not 1000 Subscribers? How many watch hours do you have before your Youtube channel gets monetization?” The answer is you need 4000 watch hours and 1000 subscribers within one year to get monetization from Youtube. When we talk about creating a Youtube channel, one of the most important things is to have enough subscribers.

  1. Having less than 500 subscribers is not acceptable for a small niche.
  2. If you’re like most people, what happens if you don’t hit the 1000 subscriber mark on your watch time tracking app? This blog post will explore what to do if you fail to reach that goal and offer tips on increasing your chances of success.

What happens when I have 4,000 watch hours on Youtube? If you have 4,000 watch hours on your Youtube account but have no subscribers, your channel won’t be shown in the “Most Popular” section of the Youtube website, also will not get monetization permission.

This is called the YPP program, the criteria for monetization from youtube. People looking for new content to watch won’t find your channel. You’ll need to get more viewers and subscribers to ensure your videos are good enough to stand out from the competition. Make sure your videos are interesting and well-made, and make sure they’re posted regularly.

You can also promote your channel through social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. If you do these things, you should be able to increase viewership and eventually gain more subscribers. What to Do If You Have 4000 Watch Hours But Not 1000 Subscribers? If you’re looking to apply for the Partner Program, YouTube wants you to be considered as a business partner.

  • You’ll need to meet certain criteria to be accepted, including holding more than 4,000 watch hours in the previous 12 months and having more than 1,000 subscribers.
  • First, if you want to be successful on Youtube, you have to start thinking like a publisher and focus on the numbers.
  • Do you have 4000 watch hours but only 1000 subscribers? Well, that means you’re at the bottom of the leaderboard and not getting monetization permission from the youtube channel.

That’s the truth. That’s the reason why many people quit Youtube. If you look at them, you’ll realize that they started to grow their channel, reached 1000 subscribers, and stopped growing. So what do you have to do? The answer is simple; you have to create content.

I’m sure you know why. But let me tell you a little bit more. You have to do the following things: 1. Be consistent. You must create content once a week 2. You can continue to promote your channel and try to get more subscribers.3. Make your videos different and interesting.4. to grow your youtube channel from Youtube Market.5.

Create content that’s good for your subscribers. Make them happy.6. Consider selling advertising space on your channel or promoting other channels you like.7. Always focus on your niche. Choose a niche that you love and that you’re passionate about. That’s what makes a real difference.8.

  • Make sure to make a video that will last a couple of days.
  • How Can I Track my YouTube channel, Watch Time? If you’ve been keeping track of your watch hours on YouTube but have yet to get any subscribers, it’s time to start tracking your subscriber growth.
  • You can use a tool like SocialBlade to see what content is resonating with your viewers and tweak your channel accordingly.

To get started, open up SocialBlade and select your channel’s profile page. On the left side of the screen, under “Features,” click on “Subscribers.” This will show you a list of your current subscribers and a breakdown of where they came from (i.e., organic or paid).

  • Use this information to determine what content resonates with your viewers and make changes accordingly.
  • Also, you from the youtube market to get 4000 watch time and 1000 subscribers within time.
  • Some tips for increasing viewership on your channel include creating more engaging videos, focusing on specific niches, and promoting videos through social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

If you’re having trouble growing your audience, don’t be afraid to experiment with new ideas or take risks – both are key factors in determining whether your channel will succeed.

  • FAQs
  • Do you need both 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours?
  • If you’re interested in monetizing your YouTube content, one of the metrics necessary for obtaining revenue is having 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time on your channel.
  • What happens after I reach 4000 watch hours?

Did you know that YouTube requires 4000 hours of Watch Time to qualify for the YouTube Partner Program? Many creators spend a year or more trying to reach this goal, but it is ultimately worth it. If you can reach this milestone, you’ll be able to apply to the partnership program and eventually monetize your videos with ads.

  1. Do you lose monetization if you lose subscribers?
  2. As part of our commitment to the community, YouTube prohibits monetization if publishers violate any of their monetization policies.
  3. Does rewatching a video count as watch hours?
  4. Watching YouTube videos multiple times may lead to a longer watch time, but only 30 seconds or more counts as a view.
  5. Conclusion

If you’ve been working hard to get 4000 watch hours but not 1000 subscribers, don’t worry! You’re not alone. In fact, it can be a frustrating experience when your hard work doesn’t lead to the desired results. You can take some steps to increase your chances of getting more subscribers in the future.

Here are a few tips: -Make sure your videos are well-designed and easy to view. -Make sure your videos are interesting and engaging. -Be creative with your video content. Think outside the box. Disclaimer: This article is a paid publication and does not have journalistic/editorial involvement of Hindustan Times.

Hindustan Times does not endorse/subscribe to the content(s) of the article/advertisement and/or view(s) expressed herein. Hindustan Times shall not in any manner, be responsible and/or liable in any manner whatsoever for all that is stated in the article and/or also with regard to the view(s), opinion(s), announcement(s), declaration(s), affirmation(s) etc., stated/featured in the same.

Where can I create a community?

Free social community platform – Facebook, LinkedIn, and Reddit are great examples of free platforms that you can build a community on. There are two major benefits to using social media platforms to house your communities. They are:

They’re free. Building a community on social media only takes time and effort.

Native users are looking for you. A large portion of your audience are native users, which means they’re familiar with the platform and how it works. That also means you’re more likely to get discovered organically as people search for communities like yours on the platforms they’re already using.

On the other hand, there are a few drawbacks to using free community platforms:

  • No real ownership and control, While you’re free to make the rules within your group, add and remove members, and delete content, you don’t actually have ownership over the platform.
  • Distractions, Since social networks are designed to generate advertising revenue, it’s difficult to create an experience that is free from distractions.
  • No way to fill your funnel, Group members do not have to give you their email, or payment to join.

What are 3 things that make up a community?

A community is a social unit (a group of living things) with commonality such as place, norms, religion, values, customs, or identity, Communities may share a sense of place situated in a given geographical area (e.g. a country, village, town, or neighbourhood) or in virtual space through communication platforms.

  • Durable good relations that extend beyond immediate genealogical ties also define a sense of community, important to their identity, practice, and roles in social institutions such as family, home, work, government, society, or humanity at large.
  • Although communities are usually small relative to personal social ties, “community” may also refer to large group affiliations such as national communities, international communities, and virtual communities,

The English-language word “community” derives from the Old French comuneté ( Modern French : communauté ), which comes from the Latin communitas “community”, “public spirit” (from Latin communis, “common”). Human communities may have intent, belief, resources, preferences, needs, and risks in common, affecting the identity of the participants and their degree of cohesiveness.

Why you should create a community?

Why are communities so important? – Strong communities are critical because they’re often an important source of social connection and a sense of belonging. Participating in a community bonded by attitudes, values, and goals is an essential ingredient to enjoying a fulfilling life.

Elevated risk factors. Studies show people who lack strong social connections are also more likely to suffer from high levels of stress and inflammation, and face higher risk for suicide and early death. Chronic disease. Research consistently links the lack of social connectedness with health conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, immune disorders and cancer. suicide and early death. Mental health. Social isolation can also impact mental health and well-being, Strong social ties are crucial to mental health—they can lower stress and anxiety and help people thrive.

Ultimately, communities give people a supportive group to help them cope with difficult challenges, band together to solve problems, and celebrate life’s lighter moments.

Can I get community tab with 0 subscribers?

No, This is not possible to get a community tab when you have less than 500 subscribers.

How many views do you need to get the community tab on YouTube?

YouTube Community Tab Requirements – How To Make A Community Post On Youtube The YouTube community tab is great for connecting with your followers and creating a more conversational side to your channel. You can share short-form texts, links, GIFs, polls, and images, and your audience can like and dislike your posts, participate in polls, comment, and share your content with other users.

Unlike other social media platforms, it’s not enough if you’re still figuring out how to become a YouTuber, For you to access the community tab, you actually need to already have a following. Once you hit the 1,000-followers mark, the community tab should appear. In some cases, it takes about one week after the one-thousandth follower before the community tab appears.

If you still don’t find the community tab option on your channel, try to enable the custom channel layouts.

Why can’t I post on YouTube?

6. Verify your YouTube account – If you can’t upload long videos on YouTube, check if your account is verified. General or basic user accounts can upload videos of up to 15 minutes, while verified accounts can upload videos longer than 15 minutes on YouTube. So, verify your YouTube account from YouTube verification website, Now, you can upload large videos without any issue.